Teresa F. DeBruin
Please be aware that I am no longer working full-time and will only be checking in periodically. I am blessed to have worked in a career where I felt like I have made a difference in so many lives. I am grateful to have such wonderful clients and a company that is able to support you the way I would. For assistance going forward, please reach out to Candace Fochler, who will be helping my clients moving forward. Her contact info is below along with other key contact to assist you. Or, you can (770)441-2712 and they will be able to direct you to the correct team member who can help.
You can also email one of the following agency associates:
Candace Fochler – candace@aalarocco.com
Enrollments & Terminations– Paige Byars – paige@aalarocco.com
General Service Questions– Please contact the broker assigned to your group
Andrew LaRocco – andrew@aalarocco.com
Jeff LaRocco – jeff@aalarocco.com
Shannon Renn – shannon@aalarocco.com
Teresa DeBruin